U3-HV - UART mode | LabJack

U3-HV - UART mode

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hamilton's picture
U3-HV - UART mode


I'm using U3-HV to mesure PH (PH EZO of atlas scientific) and my code is in labview.

I used AsynchSimple.VI exampel to read PH but the soft dosn't work.

i use the uart mode and tx is on FIO4 , RX is on FIO5

Please do respond ASAP! It'll be highly appreciated if anyone could help me out with it. Thank you.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The VI suggests that for

The VI suggests that for initial testing you do a loopback by simply shorting RIO4 to FIO5.  Does that work?

Did you see the asynch information here?


Perhaps you need the mentioned MAX233 chip?