U3-LV with Temperture Humidity Sensor (FS200-SHT20) | LabJack

U3-LV with Temperture Humidity Sensor (FS200-SHT20)

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dnriggsb's picture
U3-LV with Temperture Humidity Sensor (FS200-SHT20)

I'm new to the LabJack scene and hardware/sensors setup and debugging, more of a software person. I have a U3-LV and a temperature sensor (FS200-SHT20). I'd like to be able to connect the two and monitor the LabJack connected to a computer via USB. I'm planning to write a software UI to monitor the setup, log data and email updates (temp and humidity data) every so often. I want to make sure I'm heading in the correct direction so I'm looking for tips to get started.

Hardware version: 1.3
Firmware: 1.46

With this particular setup (U3 and SHT-20) is there anything else that would be needed to retrieve data?
Which inputs should the sensor be connected to (DAC01 and DAC02 or a block of FIOs)?

Is there any example code that would be relevant to this setup to help me get started in the right direction?

Thanks for any help that gets me started!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Your sensor communicates over

Your sensor communicates over I2C, so you will likely need a few pull up resistors for the SDA and SCL lines. See our I2C page:


For physical connections, you will want GND/Vss to LabJack GND, SCL to a digital line such as one of the FIO lines with a pull up resistor from the digital line terminal up to your source voltage line, SDA to a digital line with a pull up similar to the configuration for SCL, and Vdd connected to some 3.3V source voltage. Your source voltage could come from another digital line set to output high or a DAC output set to 3.3V. Usually using the VS terminal for the source voltage works as well.

Be sure you install our UD driver here:


This page has all of our example code, we should have an I2C example. Commonly we have I2C examples either in their own folder or examples related to the Tick-DAC or EEPROM should be I2C examples. I would say C/C++ and Python typically have our most up to date examples:


Our pseudocode here can be helpful for getting started with things too:


Other than that, be sure you understand I2C and be very mindful of the I2C read/write details on the SHT20 datasheet.