U3 Stream 2KHz PWM Input | LabJack

U3 Stream 2KHz PWM Input

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tcelinski's picture
U3 Stream 2KHz PWM Input

I am trying to use a U3 or U6 device to stream an input PWM value. I configure the timer to use the 48Mhz clock with the DUTY CYCLE timer using the LJ Control Panel. Then I run the LJSteamUD V1.19 provided application. I set +Ch to 200, Scan Rate to 2000 Hz. When the PWM is 25%-75% everything looks good. When the PWM gets the pulses to 500us, the return value will sometime go to 65535. . I have played around with the Scan Rate and different channels. When the PWM is higher is appear to get the correct value for 500 samples and then 65535 for 500 samples.

What could be causing this issue?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The U3's duty cycle

The U3's duty cycle measurement will return 65535 when it has not had time to make a new measurement. Some things to look into:

  • Make sure there is a strong ground between the U3 and the signal source.
  • Try reducing scan rate. Start at something like 100 Hz.
  • Try with and without the reset option.