Verifying timer/counter mode 6 | LabJack

Verifying timer/counter mode 6

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BinarySolo's picture
Verifying timer/counter mode 6

I read this forum topic linked below and have my application working pretty well.

I had some issues with using timer mode 6 (firmware counter with debounce) where it only registered a few counts and then stopped responding to new edges. I'm not exactly able to reproduce the problem but initially I was configuring my U3 using LJControlPanel for the startup defaults, but now I am using software configuration in my program to force it how I want it, and that seems to work better.

My project is a dual Btu meter system where the first meter is 2 temp sensors (supply and return) and a flow meter coming from the boiler to the buffer tank, and then the second Btu meter is 2 sensors and a flow meter from the buffer tank to the greenhouse. The flow meters put out 1 pulse per gallon, design flow is 11 gpm, and the pulse is a reed switch which is wired to ground the timer input when actuated. The negative pulse duration is approximately 1/2 second. I am using the EI-1034 sensors for water temperature which are really great! I appreciate the long sensor tube which is able to get down into the flow stream in the pipes.

Here is the python code:

# dual Btu meter data logger
# Peter Oven
# 2017-02-10 first release
# 2017-02-23 new revision

# calibration data
t1Factor = 100
t1Offset = 0
t2Factor = 100
t2Offset = 0
t3Factor = 100
t3Offset = 0
t4Factor = 100
t4Offset = 0

import sys
import time
from time import sleep
import os.path
from datetime import datetime

# flow calculation arrays
times = []*12
f1Vals = [0]*12
f2Vals = [0]*12

# initialize labjack instance
import u3
d = u3.U3()

def get_data():
    # get analog input data
    t1 = d.getAIN(0) * t1Factor + t1Offset
    t2 = d.getAIN(1) * t2Factor + t2Offset
    t3 = d.getAIN(2) * t3Factor + t3Offset
    t4 = d.getAIN(3) * t4Factor + t4Offset
    # get counter data
    f1Result = d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0() )
    f1 = f1Result[0]
    f2Result = d.getFeedback( u3.Timer1() )
    f2 = f2Result[0]
    # get internal labjack temperature
    ljtemp = ( d.getTemperature() - 273.15 ) * 1.8 + 32 # convert temp from K to F
    return [t1,t2,t3,t4,f1,f2,ljtemp]
def store_data(t1,t2,t3,t4,f1,f2,ljtemp):
    # get date
    date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    filename = date + ".csv"
    dateAndTime = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    # check file contents
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        target = open(filename, 'r')
        line = target.readline()
        if line[0:4] == "date":
            fileValid = 1
            fileValid = 0
        fileValid = 0
    # write new file with header if necessary
    if not fileValid:
        target = open(filename, 'w')
    # append to file
    target = open(filename, 'a')
    target.write( dateAndTime + "," + str(ljtemp) + "," + str(t1) + "," + str(t2) + "," + str(f1) + "," + str(t3) + "," + str(t4) + "," + str(f2) )
def h2o_density( temp ):
    # calculate density of water from a straight line approximation
    # 120F >> 8.2498 lb/gal
    # 160F >> 8.1537 lb/gal
    #return (8.2498-8.1537)/(120-160)*(temp-120)+8.2498
    # trendline using values from 60 to 200F
    # form is ax^2+bx+c
    a = -0.000008637907
    b = 0.000052557126
    c = 8.368228616
    return a*temp*temp+b*temp+c

    # get config
    config = d.configIO()
    configTimer = d.configTimerClock()
    # check config
    if( config['NumberOfTimersEnabled'] != 2 or
            config['TimerCounterPinOffset'] != 4 or
            config['FIOAnalog'] != 0x0F or
            config['TimerCounterConfig'] != 66 or
            configTimer['TimerClockBase'] != 2 or
            configTimer['TimerClockDivisor'] != 0 ):
        print "setting up labjack U3 configuration"
        # Set the timer clock
        d.configTimerClock( TimerClockBase = 2, TimerClockDivisor = 0)
        # Enable 4 analog inputs for FIO0-3 and then 2 counters starting at FIO4
        d.configIO( FIOAnalog = 0x0F, NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2, TimerCounterPinOffset = 4 )
        # Configure the timer for firmware counter with debounce (mode 6).
        d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 6, Value = 62) )
        d.getFeedback( u3.Timer1Config(TimerMode = 6, Value = 62) )
        print "skipping configuration"
        sleep( 0.1 )
        now =
        sec = now.second
        if (0 == sec % 5):
            # print time to console
            print "\n"
            print time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
            # get data from labjack
            result = get_data()
            t1 = result[0]
            t2 = result[1]
            t3 = result[2]
            t4 = result[3]
            f1 = result[4]
            f2 = result[5]
            ljtemp = result[6]
            # calculate gpm
            oldtime = times.pop()
            oldf1 = f1Vals.pop()
            oldf2 = f2Vals.pop()
            delta = now - oldtime
            f1GPM = (f1 - oldf1) / delta.total_seconds() * 60
            f2GPM = (f2 - oldf2) / delta.total_seconds() * 60
            # calculate Btu/hr
            boilerBtu = f1GPM * (t1-t2) * 60 * h2o_density( t1 )
            districtBtu = f2GPM * (t3-t4) * 60 * h2o_density( t3 )

            # print data to console
            print "T1:", t1
            print "T2:", t2
            print "T1-T2:", t1-t2
            print "T3:", t3
            print "T4:", t4
            print "T3-T4:", t3-t4
            print "F1 count:", f1
            print "F1 GPM:", f1GPM
            print "F2 count:", f2
            print "F2 GPM:", f2GPM
            print "Boiler Btu/hr:", boilerBtu
            print "Greenhouse Btu/hr:", districtBtu
            print "LabJack Temp:", ljtemp

            # log data to file every minute
            if ( 0 == sec ):
            # wait until we are in the next second so we don't trigger this again
            sleep( 1.1 )


In the "#check config" section of the program I verify that the U3 is still set up the way I want it, or else I leave it alone (this preserves the counts in the firmware counter). However, I cannot figure out how to verify the configuration for "d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 6, Value = 62) )"? Is there a way to read this setting in order to check that it has not been changed by someone in LJControlPanel or by some other code?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The U3 does not have a way to

The U3 does not have a way to read out the current timer modes. The saving grace is that only one application can connect the u3 at a time. So if your application has a open handle to the U3 then other applications cannot connect to that U3.

BinarySolo's picture
Thanks for the response. Just

Thanks for the response. Just to clarify, if I run the code

config = d.configIO()

then checking the value of


will tell me the modes, if it is 66, then that means mode 6 for both timers, right? But it can't tell me the debounce time (which is 62 in my application)?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The TimerCounterConfig

The TimerCounterConfig setting is documented here:

With an 8-byte value it will tell you how many timers are enabled, the counters enabled and the pin offset. It will not provide timer mode information. A value of 66 (b01000010) indicates 2 timers are enabled (bxxxxxx10), Counter 0 is disabled (bxxxxx0xx), Counter 1 is disabled (bxxxx0xxx) and TimerCounterPinOffset is 4 (b0100xxxx).

BinarySolo's picture
Thanks, that makes sense. I

Thanks, that makes sense. I see that the sixes were just a coincidence. I guess I am checking the same the same thing twice, not that it hurts anything, since

config['NumberOfTimersEnabled'] != 2 or
config['TimerCounterPinOffset'] != 4

is the same thing as

config['TimerCounterConfig'] != 66

with the exception that the first method does not verify the number of counters enabled (which I don't care about, since I don't use pins above FIO5).