DIO problem | LabJack

DIO problem

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jmanjarresc3's picture
DIO problem

Could you explain me why, when I set a DO with the stament also in Excel VB or LabVIEW. I can active a relay with High but no black it setting the DO to low.

Then I use the labjack panel test and do the same action and it works normaly. That means I can active and desactive the relay setting the DO High or Low 

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Which DO are you trying to

Which DO are you trying to set, and what does your Excel code to set the DO low look like?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
It looks like this topic with

It looks like this topic with you is related:


You'll want to use its responses regarding relay troubleshooting.

Going by the code there, you are setting FIO0 to high/low. First, make sure before setting FIO0 that the line is configured as digital I/O:

' Configure only FIO0 as digital I/O.
lngError = ePut(lngHandle, LJ_ioPIN_CONFIGURATION_RESET, 0, 0, 1)
If lngError <> 0 Then Err.Raise lngError

Also, do error checking with your GoOne calls to make sure you are not ignoring errors:

lngError = AddRequest(lngHandle, LJ_ioPUT_DIGITAL_BIT, 0, 0, 0, 0)
If lngError <> 0 Then Err.Raise lngError
lngError = GoOne(lngHandle)
If lngError <> 0 Then Err.Raise lngError

Without the relays you will want to test your code and make sure the DO are outputting correctly. You can use a voltmeter, or connect to and read though another digital I/O such as FIO1.

swbarlow's picture


I too am using a U6 (pro) with a RB12 Relay Board (which I recommend),  almost maxed out on relays (all mechanical). I have it switching via some .Net programming , just VB.net on schedules etc. Please make sure to follow what these guys are saying.  Been in operation for 6 years without a glitch.