LabJack U6 MIO Ports | LabJack

LabJack U6 MIO Ports

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xyz123's picture
LabJack U6 MIO Ports


My question is whether MIO ports on U6 can be used as regular port? if so, with low level function, should MIO be referenced as 20-22? The low level functions in U6 manual only mentions 0-19 for FIO, EIO and CIO but not MIO. Thanks.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Actually, that is not true. 

We looked closer at the firmware and the documentation was correct.  20-22 are not supported in the low-level bit or port functions.  The reason is that they are shared with CIO0-CIO2, so to read/write them you use channel numbers 16-18.

Need to look at the UD to see if it just passes through to low-level or if it supports 20-22.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The UD driver passes through

The UD driver passes through to low-level and does not support digital I/O lines 20-22 if the firmware doesn't.