Setting Up Labjack U6 with Load Cell | LabJack

Setting Up Labjack U6 with Load Cell

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Taylor G
Tgab100's picture
Setting Up Labjack U6 with Load Cell

Hello, I am inexperienced with circuits and have never setup a daq and sensor before. 

I am trying to setup the U6 with a load cell (listed below) and measure force but I do not know how to do this.

Like I said, I don't know anything about circuits so please ELI5. Thanks!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
There is a great guide to

There is a great guide to load cell setups in the following forum topic. Please try going through that and let us know if we can help clarify anything there:

We often recommend using our LJTick-Vref-41 for signal excitation, as the supply voltage. Assuming you use the Vref, you would connect the tick to a screw terminal block with AIN; your setup should look almost identical to the third picture on the Tick-Vref product page:

Your red wire (EXC+) should be connected to the 4.096 terminal of the Vref, green (signal+) should go to IOA, white (signal-) should go to IOB, then black (EXC-) should go to GND.