steam data with IO pins | LabJack

steam data with IO pins

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mouse123's picture
steam data with IO pins

This page of description is confusing.

Can you provide an example code, say to stream FIO0 together with AIN0? 

What do EIO, MIO,CIO pins stand for?

thank you.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
FIO, EIO, and CIO, are just

FIO, EIO, and CIO, are just names used to refer to different groups of digital I/O.  There is no special meaning to the F, E, or C.  They are all DIO.

If you stream the channel 193, that channel will return the state of the first 16 bits of DIO, which is FIO0 through EIO7.  So if all 16 DIO read high you will get a value of b1111111111111111 which is d65535.  Try it in LJStreamUD.