U6 Differential Readings | LabJack

U6 Differential Readings

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Molesy's picture
U6 Differential Readings

I have recently changed from using a U3-HV to a U6.  When using the U6 for differential voltage readings, are the readings returned as binary values as is the case for the U3 when using the following high level code to define the channels when streaming data?

' Request a differential read of AIN0 with AIN 1 as low reference.

LJUD.AddRequest(_CLabJack.iHandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL_DIFF, 0, 0, 1, 0)

' Request a differential read of AIN2 with AIN 3 as low reference.

LJUD.AddRequest(_CLabJack.iHandle, LJUD.IO.ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL_DIFF, 2, 0, 3, 0)

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Let's start with a quick

Let's start with a quick caprification. The U3 and U6 always return binary values, the UD driver then applies calibration constants to produce a floating point number.

Differential conversions on the U3-HV lines are returned as binary because the common-mode error is large and can not be calculated. The U6's analog circuitry does not have this limitation, so the UD driver will always apply calibration to the binary readings, unless there is some sort of device failure.