Issues with updating firmware | LabJack

Issues with updating firmware

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eugeneong's picture
Issues with updating firmware


I am trying to 'update' a firmware but keeps getting this error. I have tried putting a jumper between FIO0 and SCL  and it's still doesn't work. The harware version is V1.11. I have also tried to search for the UE9 in control panel and it returns nothing both in ethernet and USB mode. 

Error : Problem during programming (try again)

Additional Error Info:

System.Exception: Device: read failed

Windows error 121 : The semaphore timeout period has expired

   at[] buf, UInt32 size)

   at[] buf, UInt32 size)

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.sendRcvBuff(Byte[] sendBuff, Byte[]& rcvBuff)

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.switchToFlash()

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.program(FileInfo file, Object sender)



LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The next step is to try the

The next step is to try the FIO1 jumper. See step 2 at the bottom of this page:

eugeneong's picture
Hi Support team,

Hi Support team,

  Thanks for your prompt reply.  I have read the update guide and followed the instruction. 

For UE9 Comm when i toggle get version it returns

UE9 Control is in flash mode.

UE9 Comm. Version: 1.580

UE9 Control Version: 0.000

UE9 Bootloader Version: 0.000

Control version 2.260 is available online. To get the latest upgrade files, click the "Firmware Upgrade Files" link.

I have tried with a jumper between FI01 and it retruns with an error device not found. I then jumper SCL with FIO0 then power down (USB cable removed)  and power up with jumper still in place. Remove jumper then power down again. Next i power up with the USB cable and proceed to program with v1.78hex. It gives me a warning tab and the return an error. 

Error : Problem during programming (try again)

Additional Error Info:

System.Exception: Device: read failed

Windows error 121 : The semaphore timeout period has expired

   at[] buf, UInt32 size)

   at[] buf, UInt32 size)

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.sendRcvBuff(Byte[] sendBuff, Byte[]& rcvBuff)

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.switchToFlash()

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.program(FileInfo file, Object sender)

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Normally the self-upgrade

Normally the self-upgrade guide will fix UE9 issues. We need to dig a little deeper. Please describe the LED activity in the following three conditions:

  1. Booting up without any jumpers
  2. Booting up with the SCL to FIO1 jumper
  3. Booting up with the SCL to FIO0 jumper
eugeneong's picture


Power with nothing connected to SCL control LED blinks rapidly

Power up with jumper between SCL and FIO0 comm LED flashes about 9 times the stays off. Control LED doesn't light at all

Using LJSelf upgrade when USB is plugged in, Comm Led blink a few times the stays off. Under UE9Comm mode, get version number returns an error.


Device: read failed

Windows error 31 : A device attached to the system is not functioning

Power up with jumper between SCL and FIO1, Control LED and COMM led flashes. COMM LED then goes off but Control LED remain flashing.

Using LJself Upgrade when USB is plugged in COMM led flashes a few times and Control LED continues flashing. Under UE9Comm mode, Get version returns

UE9 Control is in flash mode.

UE9 Comm. Version: 1.580

UE9 Control Version: 0.000

UE9 Bootloader Version: 0.000

Proceed to flash firmware 1.78, when program is selected, Status tab returns 'working' and a pop out appears Warning

the UE9 is in flash mode and the current Control Formware version cannot be determine. If moving from <1.98>=1.98, or vice versa, the stored starup setting could not become valid. Click "Yes" to program and write factory default settings, or "No" to program and keep possibly invalid setting?

Clicked "yes" 

Status tab

Connecting to UE9 then error message

Error : Problem during programming (try again)

Additional Error Info:

System.Exception: Device: read failed

Windows error 121 : The semaphore timeout period has expired

   at[] buf, UInt32 size)

   at[] buf, UInt32 size)

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.sendRcvBuff(Byte[] sendBuff, Byte[]& rcvBuff)

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.switchToFlash()

   at LJSelfUpgrade.UE9ControlProgram.program(FileInfo file, Object sender)

It would appear that it's trying to program but failed midway. Is this due to the UE9 not having a bootloader?

File Attachment: 
LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Well shoot, the LED behavior

Well shoot, the LED behavior indicates that the recovery process should work. I think we need to RMA your UE9. Please follow the instructions here:

eugeneong's picture


  Ok, where should we RMA the UE9? I am in the UK and the UE9 was bought via AMAZON.



LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
We are going to need your

We are going to need your Amazon order number or at the very least the date you purchased the device.  Once we have that we can issue the return through Amazon.  You can send your order number to [email protected] if you prefer not to post on the forum.