UE9 DAC maximum output current | LabJack

UE9 DAC maximum output current

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Raphael's picture
UE9 DAC maximum output current


Could you confirm my interpretation of the UE9 datasheet : the maximum output current for a DAC output is 100 mA?



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LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Yes, the maximum current from

Yes, the maximum current from the DAC outputs is around 100mA. Please note that this is assuming 5V output with no load; the value is simply the max output voltage divided by the output impedance (50 ohm). Please also see the maximum output voltage spec and note 12 from the specification sheet:

(12) Maximum and minimum analog output voltage is limited by the supply voltages (Vs and GND). The specifications assume Vs is 5.0 volts. Also, the ability of the DAC output buffer to drive voltages close to the power rails, decreases with increasing output current, but in most applications the output is not sinking/sourcing much current as the output voltage approaches GND.