The LabJack UE9 PRO quickstart tutorial at is confusing, apparently with typos or unedited errors.
E.G.: Step 7 reads, "7. Connect jumper wire from DAC0 to AIN0." But then Step 8 reads, ". Control Panel will read the voltage level of FIO0 at DAC0." May I say, "???"?
E.G. Step 9 seems to speak of the "FIO4 end" of a wire between GND and FIO0:
9. Connect one end of the jumper wire to GND, touching the other end to FIO0. GND stands for Ground. Try connecting and disconnecting the FIO4 end of the jumper wire.
Fixed. Thanks for letting us now. Those were copy paste errors from the U3 Quickstart. You are the first to report those typos ... probably because most UE9 users have been using the device for a long time whereas new users go with the T7 instead.